Root Canal

A root canal is a procedure that involves removing the inner pulp of a tooth that has become infected. The inner pulp is in the center of your tooth and houses the nerves and blood vessels of the tooth, which can cause pain and infection when exposed. Root canals help to preserve a tooth that has become severely decayed or compromised and help to restore it to its natural state as best as possible. The procedure is done quickly and efficiently right in our office.

The root canal procedure is relatively straightforward and quick. First, the area will be numbed for your comfort and separated from the rest of the mouth using a rubber dental dam to keep the tooth and exposed area clean. The tooth is drilled to expose the pulp and specialized instruments are used to remove the pulp, bacteria that has accumulated, and the decayed nerve tissue from the tooth. Next, the canals of the tooth will be cleaned thoroughly, and the tooth will be sealed with a medicated material to prevent any further bacteria and decay from entering that tooth. Most patients who have a root canal done will eventually need a crown placed on the tooth.

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