Preventive Dentistry

It is important to brush your teeth at least twice daily to help remove plaque and food particles that get stuck to your teeth. It is recommended that you brush your teeth for two minutes (or longer), though most people rush through this time. You need to make sure that you reach every side of each tooth, including the inside and outside. To help keep your breath fresh, you should also brush your tongue as well as floss, which leads to cavity prevention. Cavity prevention is ideal for both adults and children as it allows you to have healthy teeth. It can be beneficial in preventing more invasive procedures from happening that are needed due to decay. When decay is present, fillings, root canals and even extractions may be required.

Everyone is a good candidate for cavity prevention. It is important to teach children early on how to brush and floss properly and how to avoid sugary items that can cause cavities. The more the patient knows about how to protect their teeth from cavities the better it will be for their overall oral health. We can help with cavity prevention concerning the entire family. We are here to help you maintain a healthy and happy smile that you can trust for life.

Know more about Preventive Dentistry,Visit here!

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