We all want a healthy and bright smile. Each of us put a tremendous amount of effort into having a beautiful smile. We all do all sorts of things to keep our teeth pearly white through brushing, flossing regularly, eating rich fibrous food, from being picky with our toothpaste to visiting cosmetic dentists. Teeth whitening also known asteeth bleaching is one of the procedures which comes under cosmetic dentistry. This is a procedure that involves the whitening of discolored or stained teeth. Let us know about different treatment modalities involved in teeth whitening.
What is teeth whitening?
Teeth whitening comes under cosmetic dental procedures. They work on discolored or stained teeth to enhance the appeal of your smile.
It involves two methods – professional teeth whitening methods, or teeth whitening treatment done at home. In teeth whitening, peroxide-based bleaching agents like hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide are used to whiten your smile. The concentration differs according to the methods used.
Types of teeth whitening procedures
We all put so much effort to keep smiles brightened. In-office, teeth whitening helps you keep your teeth pearly white for a longer duration and helps you reach your desired results faster. Along with the teeth, whitening treatment, oral hygiene regimes should be followed. Moreover, all the other precautionary measures advised by the dentist should be kept in mind. Book your appointment now and get your smile to brighten.
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